A mobility scooter is a great method of giving those who are unable to walk or those who are unable to walk long distances the ability to be self-dependent. After an accident, you want to do things but can’t move around too well. You can use a scooter to get out, get to work, get to the store and see the doctor without having to wheelchairs. They are great investments that can be enjoyed for several years.
The electric models are very versatile and are used to perform many functions. They are used in the foldable and utility types most often. But perhaps where they perform their greatest task is in assisting the elderly or disabled. It wasn't too long ago that these mobility vehicles had a very limited distance, but with the advancement of batteries and their capacities they can now be used for an entire day before needing to be recharged.
Electric movements are made possible using the handlebars that are located in front of you while sitting in the three-wheel scooter chair. The handles look a bit like bicycle handlebars will look. Soft rubber grips are located on each side of the handlebars for those who are sitting in the scooter for a few hours to have easy mobility with the hand controls. For the disabled, the ease of using a scooter is all a choice. Many have electronic handles, joysticks, and even foot controls. Many also feature seat belts, which for added safety should be worn if included. The speed of the mobility scooter can be controlled easily and some have a top speed of over 10 miles per hour, but you do not have to drive it this fast and doing so can reduce the charge of the battery dramatically. It is important to note that mobility scooters that will travel on main roads should be equipped with taillights and headlights with speed of 8 mph minimum, as provided by law.
Using your own scooter is going to allow you the freedom to travel in the retail setting while still feeling comfortable. You make the personal seat adjustments to your scooter, adjust the handle bars and the controls to your personal liking, and the scooter settings will stay that way, because you are the only one who is using your scooter. Your personal scooter is just like your car, your personal transportation.
The type of personal mobility scooter you buy will depend upon several factors. Including weight of the user, whether the scooter will be used mostly indoors or outdoors and the amount of usage involved. Make sure you inform your salesperson of these factors. Don’t get talked into buying a scooter you don’t need. You should purchase a mobility scooter new from a reputable dealer. This way you are guaranteed that the device is in perfect working order and will provide years of reliable service.
Physically handicapped individuals can now optimize and enjoy more their freedom and independence. There seems to be no end to what man can achieve. In fact, we seem to be limited only by our own imagination. It is only a matter of time before man can achieve all of his dreams, hopes and aspirations.
For more info on mobility products like stair lifts or wheelchair lifts visit Better Life Mobility Centers. We will do whatever it takes to make sure your mobility needs are met. Our friendly staff is here to help you find the right, high quality mobility product.